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Helping you heal yourself from the inside out

What is Light Therapy?

We work with both TeraHertz therapy and Phototherapy.


TeraHertz is the latest treatment from the world of advanced healing. Discovered in the 1980's, it is belived to match the vibration frequency of healthy human cells.  Terahertz frequencies, allow your therapist to target specific areas of the body, by influencing the proteins inside the cells, without harming or altering the cells themselves.

​It aids blood flow, the normal healthy cells absorbe the Tera Waves, whilst re-activating dormant cells. As a result, damaged cells can be repaired, leading to improved healing times in areas of trauma, leaving you and your cells feeling energised.


Phototherapy is a small patch you apply to your skin, normally daily.  It works on the biophotons, which is the light in the living cell.  DNA uses light to communicate with its environment to initiate chemical reactions.  Phototherapy converts that light to energy.  The energy (heat) activates the quartz crystal Lightwave patch, which directs the light energy to the meridian, allowing it to heal and unlock the blockage.  Think of acupunture with no needles. However, the patches are more effective than needles, as they and are left in place longer (12 hours vs 30 mins), giving a sustained effect that is not achieved by needles alone.

Phototherapy is used for many issues, the most popular being Stress relief / Sleep / Pain / increasing antioxident flow / elevate fat burning / skin improvements inc anti-ageing / stem cell improvement. ​

Whilst we can not guarantee the outcome for any ailment, we do offer a 3-month money back guarantee for peace of mind, on your first purchase of any Lightwave patches. 


Private Session Cost

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